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Do THE verb, don't be the noun Subscribe to Inputs Only - Delivered EVERY SATURDAY.

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The Tale of Two Beliefs

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There's a powerful differentiator between those who 'make it,' and those who... don't.
It's the same differentiator between those who you'd be willing to bet on and the rest.

If you ask Adam Grant, it's the difference between having impostor syndrome and a growth mindset.

This isn't to say you'll never feel like an impostor, in fact, the farther you go the more you discover how much you don't know... but there is one specific word that determines if you'll persist long enough to reach the finish line — or if you'll toss in the towel before you reach the end.

That word is 'yet'.

Now, this may appear to contradict last weeks newsletter on striving — unless it's viewed through the lens consistency in service of presence. Meaning, you have a goal in mind, but the act of doing the verb is what you've fallen in love with... thus making the goal redundant.

Impostor Syndrome: I don't know how to do that...
Growth Mindset: I don't know how to do that... yet.

Install this word into your core psyche and you'll have the key to unlock your limitless potential.
After all, you're only ever limited by your imagination.

Embrace the *'yet' mindset.

*h/t Sahil Bloom



Upcoming Retreat(s):

Monday I'm headed to the EU for the only retreat I'm personally facilitating this year.

To join the waitlist for 2025, tap here.


Inputs Only Podcast:

Sydney Karmes-Wainer is the founder of the better-for-you snack brand French Squirrel inspired by her late french grandmother.

In this episode, expect to learn how to launch a CPG brand, what to look from when forming partnerships and engaging suppliers, why retail is NOT the smartest move, and more.

Including my personal favorite, how to find alignment in a business where you’re the face

Why Retail Is Not The Smartest CPG Strategy - Sydney Karmes-Wainer | E21
Tap here to watch on: YouTube | Spotify | Apple


Quote On My Mind:

“Science advances one funeral at a time

- Max Planck

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In Case You Missed It:

In last weeks edition, I wrote about — Finding Flow Within Existence

What's the point of striving for a greater tomorrow if you can't enjoy today?

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