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The Turkish Experience

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At first glance, the people of Turkey may seem reserved — a grizzled exterior and a tendency towards brevity in conversation.

It’s not rooted in negativity, nor dismissal.. instead, it comes with a deep sense of knowing oneself.

This certainty in one's own identity, though increasingly rare in the West, is a defining trait here.
A desire to cultivate a family-like bond with all whom make it past the tough exterior.

It’s humbling to experience, a complete 180 to the external validation-seeking behavior we’re so conditioned to.

An, I’m not enough unless you think I am belief.
Constantly searching for more, instead of cultivating the uniqueness of your individualistic qualities.

Two years ago, on a flight from Cairo, Farouk, the man seated next to me, struck up a conversation. He shared how he was traveling to see his son for the first time in years, and how excited he was to hold him again.

His story was deeply touching, a hero's journey in its own right. But it wasn't until this trip that I fully understood the significance of what he told me.

When I asked why he had been away for so long, he shared how the military had split up his family and how he had to live alone for many years.

A challenging time, yes, but he shared how he made the best of the time away and built a new community of which he considered his second family.

A few weeks ago I wrote about the difference between Spanish and English and the mental models of each that shape how we see the world.

One I didn’t include, but was brought to my attention was, is that the schooling system south of the United States teaches that North & South America are one continent, the US teaches how we’re separate.

What I’ve come to realize is the divisiveness we feel is due to our own belief that everything is separate. Yet that’s the biggest lie we’ve been sold.

We’re more similar than dissimilar, and when given the opportunity, other cultures desire to invite you in as part of their family in a way that is frowned upon in the US.

As the first leg of this journey concludes, one lesson stands out:

“Everyone is my brother in some way or another”.

— Farouk



Upcoming Retreat(s):

Yassou from Kefalonia, Greece.. my last retreat of '24.
To join the waitlist for 2025, tap here.


Inputs Only Podcast:

Amanda Hendy is an entrepreneur, investor and former biglaw attorney.

In this episode, expect to learn how to find alignment in your work, why processes aren’t always perks, where Amanda currently sees investment dollars being allocated and more.

Including my personal favorite, the single most important requirement to raising money as a founder.

The Power of Being A Generalist in a Specialist World - Amanda Hendy | E22
Tap here to watch on: YouTube | Spotify | Apple


Quote On My Mind:

“It's the sides of the mountain which sustain life, not the top.

— Robert M Pirsig

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In Case You Missed It:

In last weeks edition, I wrote about — The Tale of Two Beliefs

A powerful differentiator between those who 'make it' and those who don't.

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