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Positive & Negative Cultural Norms

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A few weeks ago I wrote about the mental models that differentiate English from Spanish, and how native speakers view the world differently — because of how they think.

A fascinating addition here are what beliefs we deem positive and negative based on cultural norms.

For example:
In the United States, jealousy is viewed as a negative trait.
In Latin America, jealousy is viewed as a positive one.

In one culture, jealousy is a character flaw, and in another is a sign of love and admiration.

Having spent the last three weeks traveling Europe it has been impressed upon me how distant we are in the US from our feelings — settling for external symbols of validation. Could this be a reason why Europeans report lower levels of depression, loneliness and obesity (different topic but not independent reasoning).

Something I’m really interested in at the moment is how technology, specifically AI can influence behavior change in users — and this is where I would love to hear your thoughts.

What cultural differences have you experienced personally, and if you had to create a new technology or AI to change this behavior... how would you go about doing it, and what would it look like?

Bonus points if it’s related to improving users health and wellbeing!



Inputs Only Podcast:

Dr. Jenelle Kim is a 9th generation herbalist, Chinese medicine expert & internationally published author.

Chinese, also known as traditional medicine is not what you think, and Dr. Kim sheds light on this ancient practice.

In this episode, expect to learn about modern medicinal formulations, the problem with western medicine, how to heal holistically, and more. Including my personal favorite, the root cause of Chinese Medicine.

The Key To Eternal Youth - Dr. Jenelle Jim | E24
Tap here to watch on: YouTube | Spotify | Apple


Quote On My Mind:

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete..

— R. Buckminster Fuller

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In Case You Missed It:

In last weeks edition, I wrote about — The Importance of A-Players

The second you add a B or C player to a team of A's, this happens...

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