I've spent a lot of time in new space(s) the last two years (no home, no lease, and 300+ hotel nights in 20 countries).
I discovered a lot about myself during this time and became aware that I am not what I have, nor where I am.
This lesson in simplicity has led to an understanding of what amplifies and/or detracts from my energy. I view this through the lens of daily routine, environment, and ubiquitous activities... which I wrote about last week, see here.
At the end of 2021, I set off on what was meant to be a one month stint for a few retreat companies in Africa. If you've read some of my articles from last year, you'll know this turned into a 6+ month international escapade.
When I returned following those travels, I spent a month in the apartment I had lived in for the five years prior.
That month something magical happened... but for it to make sense, you need a bit more backstory.
In the months leading up to that trip, I was both a Tony Robbins Platinum Partner and had recently completed Andy Frisella's 75 Hard Challenge. I was 'Dialed In' as my buddy Bobby Hobert would say, and I was nose to the grindstone. My days consisted of extreme creative clarity, intense workouts, and incredible fulfillment derived from progression.
Reflecting back, it was the time in my life that paved the way for who I am today.
What's magical is I had not stepped foot in those walls for the better part of a year, but when I did my energy was immediately teleported back to that time... without conscious thought.
I remember landing late at night and went straight to bed without unpacking. The following morning I woke up before my alarm, grabbed a glass of water and made my way to my office and began to write. Without hesitation I got up at 6:50am, put on my shoes at hit the same gym I went to for 2 years. I returned, made breakfast, and went back to work. 2pm rolled around, I shut my laptop and took my dog on a walk around the Westin Kierland Resort & Spa... just like I had done everyday.
It was on that mid afternoon walk when I caught a whiff of my favorite flower that I realized I was operating on autopilot... and I wasn't upset about it. I had unconsciously reverted back to my old routine, one that existed at a time when I was my most driven self.
A few weeks later I flew to Los Angeles to see Jay Shetty speak and he said something that I will never forget:
"Location(s) hold energy, and time(s) hold memory"
That quote that changed the way I view the environments in which I engage, and how I set myself up for success. It's the same reason why you are not able to heal in the same place in which you were originally hurt.
Every time I enter a new space, i.e. moving into a new home (like I did at the beginning of this year), I make a conscious effort for the first 30 days to be EXTREMELY regimented on my routine... and what I know works for me.
Here's what that looks like for me for the first 30 days in my new home:
1: Morning Wake-Up
Morning are my favorite part of the day, but that doesn't mean it's always easy for me to get up at 5am.
My focus here is to get up within 5 seconds of my first alarm... whether I'm going to be tired or not.
I'll give myself more grace in the future, but it's easier, for me, to revert to habits than create new ones.
I also know with certainty that if it is done for 30 days, I will have primed the space for my mind to thrive in the AM.
2: Exercise Regimen
Before I moved into this home I found a new gym and signed up.
Morning exercise, for me, sets the tone for my day... and if completed before 10am, I always perform better.
My focus here is to create an unbroken chain of consecutive workouts.
*I missed one my first week due to food poisoning... thx Erewhon 😡
3: Deep Focused Work
Sleep where you sleep, eat where you eat, and work where you work.
Deep, focused work makes me feel productive and I know I'm progressing towards my goals.
*It's why I track creative hours in my Personal Productivity Tracker.
My focus here is to log one, if not two, 90-minute deep 'unbroken' work sessions per day... and if I find my attention waning I do not allow myself to sit and scroll mindlessly - instead I go for a walk (see number 4).
*Since I can't control my office on the road I use music to prime myself for deep work.
4: Contemplative Walks
This is a productivity hack, and something I discovered in Europe a few years back.
When I consciously choose to put on a podcast or audio book and go for a walk I give my mind permission to ideate.
In the past, I would have thought of this as unproductive... but today I know it's led to some of my best work.
My focus here is to spend 60 minutes per day in nature or strolling my neighborhood... giving myself space to think.
5: Healthy Meals & Conversations
The final piece I place my focus is on the fuel I consume... both nutritionally and energetically.
I fill the space with food I enjoy, and know will help me perform my best... and I consciously choose to engage in deep, meaningful conversations with those I love. This makes these types of interactions familiar in the space and leads to more of them.
My focus here is on quality nutrition and inviting energy expanders to come hangout in the space.
*S/o to all of my friends that have come by the last two weeks!
All in all, placing my attention on what my environment looks, feels, sounds, and smells like has worked wonders.
A few non-negotiables that should go without saying are:
- Make the place feel at home, day one.
- Get out of boxes and suitcases as quickly as possible.
- Automate all of the tasks you can (i.e. shopping, cleaning, lights, etc.)
- Spend quality time in all of the rooms you frequent and remember to be intentional.
I just recently discovered Feng Shui, which apparently I was doing all wrong... I do say I go by internal feel.
If you have anything else to add, or something that has worked for you - please email me; I'd love to hear!
Quote On My Mind:
"You don't go to heaven when you die...
... you go to heaven when you are born."
﹣Jim Lovell
I tend to assume what's next is better than what is - yet what 'is,' is all that we have.
A reminder to be grateful for the gift of life we all have been granted.
In Case You Missed It:
In last weeks edition, I wrote my values and simplified life.
... and that I've placed an emphasis on a few simple imputs.
My values for 2024 and beyond:
- Consistency
- Character
- Candor
Inputs Only – Newsletter
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