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Mindset (4)

Procrastination (The Aligned Advantage)

I'm currently investigating the correlation between aligned consistency vs. consistent action...

... if they are mutually exclusive - and if/when...

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Effective Presence (Dealing in Definites)

The building blocks of life are various forms of currency...

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Boundaries & Biases (A Quest for Clarity)

I first started these newsletters as a lead generator for my offers...

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Pattern Recognition (Trigger to Triumph)

We often repeat patterns until we absorb the lessons they teach...

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Leverage (Why You're Not Worth More)

Though time is a human construct, it is finite.

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Momentum (A Palpable Force)

We’ve all had the days where life exists in flow.

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Consistency (The Art of Creation)

My life can be categorized through a series of pivots.

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Assumptions... Your Actions Are Not Yours

I've grown increasingly interested in the why behind the who the last few years.

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Alignment Advantage (Living 'On Purpose')

I grew up, as did most of you, thinking you must 'work hard' to succeed.

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Discipline in Service of Creativity

I have always been an 'all-in' type of person.

Attributing my ability to have a monomaniacal focus a superpower...

... but it has, at times, has...

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