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Mindset (3)

Emotional Intimacy: My Journey To Feeling

I have come to recognize something I newly value: Grace. Not in the sense of leniency, but in handling complex and/or challenging situations with...

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The Creative Act: A Practice of Devotion

If you've read any of my previous newsletters, you'll know I find the 'why' most fascinating - especially in relation to myself. It's the deep dive...

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The Annual Review: Navigating Your Narrative

For most of my life, I've considered structure to be in opposition of freedom. While true on rare occasion, it's primarily quite the opposite - as a...

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UltraMarathon: My Journey From 1 to 100

A Behind-The-Scenes Look At My Most Challenge Race To Date

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Self-Sabotage: An Invisible Threat To Your Success

It's What You Know For Sure That Just AIn't So...

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5 Lessons From A Week with Dr. Joe

2023 Progressive Retreat in Basel, Switzerland

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Mind What Matters (Learn to Never Miss)

Life is cyclical, and I find we get in to trouble when we fail to let it flow

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Intensity (A Unique POV On Presence)

Six months ago, I dropped in with a new friend group.

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Simplicity (Strength & Ease In Every State)

If you're reading this, chances are you consider yourself a driven individual.

An identity that makes just 2% of your life feel 'successful'...


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Procrastination (The Aligned Advantage)

I'm currently investigating the correlation between aligned consistency vs. consistent action...

... if they are mutually exclusive - and if/when...

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