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Kevin Wathey

Kevin Wathey is an entrepreneur, international retreat leader, and highly sought-after 7-figure life and business strategist. He founded SYNCHRONICITY in 2017 to help others effectively design their destiny.


Environmental Anchors: How To Create Yourself

Ever notice how certain environments create specific internal states?

How intentionally designed a 5-star resort is…

How complementary the service...

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Identity Development: Same Input, Different Output

Until recently, I thought trauma was bullshit.

… and I still do after hearing Dr. Gabor Mate’s definition.

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Emotional Mastery: The Entrepreneurial Secret

A fallacy is a mistaken belief… especially one rooted in an unsound argument.

In business, and life, it’s often believed that what comes easily is...

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AI: How Human Psychology Determines Outputs

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a rapidly growing field of technology…

… one that is changing how we interact with the world.

It has the ability to...

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Engineering Happiness: Creating States of Celebration

Happiness is an interesting topic.

In part, because most think of it as a destination.

A place to ‘get to…’ 

That when they do all will be right in...

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Multipotentiality: Your Personal Yellow Brick Road

I refuse to believe there is a predetermined outcome for one's life.

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Work vs. Play: Your Identity Crisis

For most of my life, I’ve lived two lives.

I have my professional life.

The one I've crafted to control my external perception.

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Law of Attraction (For Skeptics): How To Get What You Want

I’m a realistic person.

Yet, realism comes secondary to optimism.

If you ask Munger, optimistic accounting accounts for 99% of the world's problems…

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Infinite Banking (The Game You Didn't Know Existed)

I was going to wait to write this newsletter…

… but with the recent collapse of SVB (and bailout), it feels like the right time.

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The Power of 4 (Your 7-Figure Biz Model)

In 2019 I facilitated 6 international retreats.

In 2020 I had planned to facilitate 8...

... and had projected to do shy of $250,000 that year.

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