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Corporate Wellness Program Statistics

The US healthcare system isn't broken, it's rigged.Fortunately, we're starting to see people like Casey Means take a stand.

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Positive & Negative Cultural Norms

A few weeks ago I wrote about the mental models that differentiate English from Spanish, and how native speakers view the world differently — because...

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The Importance of A-Players

The desire for control is a bad thing... so I've been told.An ego-centered belief that you have any power over outcome.

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The Turkish Experience

At first glance, the people of Turkey may seem reserved — a grizzled exterior and a tendency towards brevity in conversation.

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The Tale of Two Beliefs

There's a powerful differentiator between those who 'make it,' and those who... don't.It's the same differentiator between those who you'd be willing...

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Finding Flow in Existence

There's levels to this funny thing we call life, yes, but they're all perceived. The more I experience, the more I become aware of our universal...

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Linguistic Perception: How Language Shapes Thought

Last year I decided to commit to learning Spanish, officially.

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Cultivating Equal Parts: Striving & Surrender

I've figured it out... this pesky being vs. doing belief I wrote about here and here.

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Non-Negotiables: Unlocking Progress

I'm always fascinated by the latest conversations, in any space, but having spent the majority of my professional career in wellness, this newfound...

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A Kind Gesture That Sabotages Relationships

Control is a topic that has been at the forefront of my mind recently.Resurfacing after I stumbled upon The Knowledge Project Podcast #196.

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