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Emotional Intimacy: My Journey To Feeling

I have come to recognize something I newly value: Grace. Not in the sense of leniency, but in handling complex and/or challenging situations with...

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Priming Your Space For Energetic Success

I've spent a lot of time in new space(s) the last two years (no home, no lease, and 300+ hotel nights in 20 countries).

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A Year For Values, Vision & Vitality

It's a new year, I've relocated to some new digs, and I have three new ventures... yet one thing holds constant - values.

In the past, I've set lofty...

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The Creative Act: A Practice of Devotion

If you've read any of my previous newsletters, you'll know I find the 'why' most fascinating - especially in relation to myself. It's the deep dive...

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The Annual Review: Navigating Your Narrative

For most of my life, I've considered structure to be in opposition of freedom. While true on rare occasion, it's primarily quite the opposite - as a...

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Platinum Partners: The Tony Robbins Cult

A few weeks ago I wrote about Self-Sabotage, and how I was first introduced to the Tony Robbins world during a team offsite. On day 3 of that event,...

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UltraMarathon: My Journey From 1 to 100

A Behind-The-Scenes Look At My Most Challenge Race To Date

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Self-Sabotage: An Invisible Threat To Your Success

It's What You Know For Sure That Just AIn't So...

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Entrepreneurship: More Than Just Business

In 2020, after leading retreats for 3 years, I believed the next step for me was to open an 11,000 sq/ft multi-purpose gym in Scottsdale, Arizona....

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So You Want To Be A Retreat Facilitator?

5 Continents & 30+ Retreats Later... Here's What I've Learned

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